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faced print is reproduced from the Lahaina Historical
Guide with permission from the publisher. Copyright
1998, Honolulu Publishing
Company, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Free copies of the Lahaina Historical Guide are
available throughout Lahaina Town and the K�`anapali resorts.

Chinese men were imported
in great numbers to work in the sugar cane fields.
In 1909 a group of them formed the local Wo Hing Society,
a chapter of Chee Kung Tong, a Chinese fraternal society
dating back to the 17th century. In 1912 they
built a fraternal hall downtown that became the social
center for hundreds of Chinese residents, who became
a powerful force in the commerce of Lahaina.
In 1983 the Lahaina Restoration Foundation restored
the building and installed a display of the history
of the Chinese in Lahaina. The cookhouse was
separate from the main building as a precaution against
fire. Authentic utensils, discovered in the
attic, are on display. The fire pits heated
huge woks using local kiawe wood (mesquite) as fuel.
In addition to the displays, the Cookhouse Theatre
shows movies of Hawaii taken by Thomas Edison in 1898
and 1903, an incredible visual history lesson.
The museum and theater are open daily.
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