Wednesday, August 21, 2002
Hawaii Statehood
On this date in 1959, President Eisenhower signed the proclamation making Hawaii the 50th state of the United States. You can learn more about statehood, the 49 and 50 star flags, and related history at
Hawaii History: Statehood
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Aunty Kat's Cat
We adopted a kitty yesterday! His shelter name is
Julius, which seems to fit as he can be quite regal, but we think he may need a nickname for when he's more casual and playful. Aunty's had a lot of cats, but it's still good to do a bit of research and brush up on kitty care and make sure the house is safe. First thing we checked was plants, since we have an indoor garden. There are several good sources online for finding out those plants that are harmful and those that are okay should kitty-cat decide to grab a snack. The best is an entire Web site devoted to this,
Plants and Your Cat. You'll find lots of good information at this and related sites you can find from this one. We picked up all the kitty basics at the shelter and the grocery store, and then shopped online at for some good toys, treats and other necessities. Julius (or whatever nickname he picks for himself) likes Hawaiian music and is rather chatty, so he will probably give his purrrspective on Rainbows every now and then!
Friday, July 12, 2002
Cool Site: How Stuff Works

One of Aunty's favorite sites for browsing is
How Stuff Works. The site (and several books, CD and magazine) are the creation of Marshall Brain, and yes, that is his real name! This is a truly awesome collection of information, both entertaining and knowledgeable, that answers a lot of questions, some you may not have known you had :) Here's a small sample for summertime fun:
Roller Coasters;
Sun Glasses;
Water Slides;
Wave Pools;
Yo-Yos; and (very important for many of us)
Air Conditioners.
And, for those who really want to know, you can even find out
How Rainbows Work!
Happy Exploring~Aunty Kat
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Cool Site: Free eBooks
Elibron is a wonderful resource for exploring classic literature and many favorites, including current titles. There is a large selection of free eBooks (more than 100) and others available for a fee (more than 45,000). In addition to books and papers, find sections on music, art and famous quotations. Within books, there are many categories including Children's titles and Young Adults. Even if you don't enjoy reading online, this is a great way to preview books before purchasing, or look up that quote that's on the tip of your tongue.
Sunday, June 30, 2002
Cool Site: Enchanted Learning
Today's pick is more than a week's worth of resources all in one HUGE site with a focus on K-3, but well organized and relevant information for any age. From the Home Page, search on specific words or select from one of the topics, which include: monthly activities; crafts; geography (lots of data on U.S. states); astronomy; marine life; rainforests; inventors; explorers; music; and more. This is a great resource for teachers and parents, with many pages to print out and educational software available for purchase.
Enchanted Learning
Sunday, June 23, 2002
Review: Lilo and Stitch
Aunty Kat went to see Disney's latest yesterday with some of my Maine 'ohana. Unanimous approval! We laughed and almost cried (well, maybe a little) and laughed some more. The characters were great, the scenery beautiful, and the story very easy to follow and feel involved. For parents concerned about the PG rating, my cousin Briana is five, shy but not too sensitive. An older brother (12) and sister (14) have exposed her to more mature themes, so the "mild sci fi" was pretty tame for her :) Since this is a cartoon, it may not get the credit it deserves for being an excellent glimpse at life in Hawaii, behind the tourism and Hollywood effects. Tia Carrere and Jason Scott Lee inserted just enough Pidgin and local flavor to be real yet still understood. It earned ten thumbs up from us!
a hui hou,
Aunty Kat
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Cool Site: Fact Monster
An Atlas, an Almanac, a Dictionary, and an Encyclopedia all in one place! Plus games, quizzes and polls to make learning more fun. Interesting daily features include: Today in History; Spelling Bee; Word Quiz and Analogy of the Day.
Fact Monster is brought to you by Information Please and the Family Education Network.
Friday, June 21, 2002
Cool Site: Lilo & Stitch
Disney's newest animated cartoon, Lilo & Stitch, opens in theaters today. The movie is set in Hawaii and is themed around one of the traditional values of the Hawaiian culture, 'ohana or family.
Are you planning to see Lilo & Stitch?
Take Our PollThe official Web site for Lilo & Stitch has a lot of information about the movie and the characters, plus fun online activities for kids (of all ages). You can download Stitch to your desktop to keep informed of his whereabouts!
Lilo & StitchAnd of course, there is a whole new line of toys and games...
a hui hou~ Aunty Kat
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
Cool Site: Why is My Loyalty Questioned?
Hawaii teams have consistently done well in the national ThinkQuest Internet Challenge, and it's always a treat to visit the entries and see what our keiki (kids, children) are creating, both their increasing skills and their ideas, what they choose to share with the rest of the world. This year is certainly no exception! Big Congratulations to teams from Enchanted Lake Elementary School in Kailua on the Island of Oahu and Wilcox Elementary School in Lihue on the Island of Kauai! The team from Enchanted Lake was the state winner and took top honors (Platinum) for Division II. The team from Kauai received the Notable Achievement Award. Doing the work to enter the ThinkQuest competition is an achievement, so congratulations to all of Hawaii's students who participated. You're all winners! We'll feature each of the sites here over the coming months as we update our
Hawaii Kids page.
Platimum - Division II (Grades 6-8)
Why is My Loyalty Questioned?"The purpose of our Thinkquest website is to try to lessen the amount of hate and prejudice in our world by developing an awareness of America's attitude towards the Asian Americans during World War II and of the American Muslims after the terrorists' attack on September 11. Our site includes information on the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. It also describes how the Middle Eastern people are being treated after September 11, 2001. In addition, we relate how the two attacks on the United States both united and separated the people of America. Finally, we present what we feel are possible solutions that will hopefully lead to a harmonious world."
a hui hou ('til next time)
Aunty Kat
Monday, June 17, 2002
Cool Site: Fun State Facts
Today's pick is from the U.S. Census Bureau. A portion of the Web site on the 2000 census has been devoted to kids:
Census: Kids' Corner. It includes general information about the census, current population estimate for the entire U.S., and specific population information for each state. This is a great resource to keep handy!
Friday, June 14, 2002
Cool Site: Na Kupuna
Na Kupuna means the elders or the wise ones, referring to those who have a lot of experience and wisdom to share with the younger ones in the community to help them learn and grow. The many ancient arts as well as some modern adaptations that are unique to Hawaii are listed with descriptions. Several have longer references linked from the home page, including Ka Hula (hula dance and culture); Na Hulu (featherwork); Kapa (cloth made from bark); Kapa Kuiki (Hawaiian quilts); Lapa Lapa'au (healing arts); Ka 'Olelo (language); and Na Oli (chants).
Na Kupuna: Living Treasures of Hawaiian Culture
Aunty Kat's Back
It's been a busy week! Aunty Kat is spending the summer in Maine visiting parents and family, and had a looooooooonnnnnnggggg flight on Tuesday and Wednesday. Still adjusting to the time difference, but should get back into the daily routine now.
Monday, June 10, 2002
Partial Eclipse
We will be able to see the partial eclipse from Hawaii this afternoon. Find more information about this eclipse, times it will be visible on different islands, and general information, including warnings about safely viewing an eclipse. Article:
Hawaii Awaits Partial Eclipse.
Have you seen an eclipse? Tell us about it on our new message forum:
Ask Aunty Kat
Friday, June 07, 2002
Cool Site: History of Surfing
Today's pick is another Hawaii site that's been around for a long time, and is frequently updated and improved. The
History of Surfing is the online companion for Surfing: the Sport of Kings video chronicling the origins of the sport that was created in ancient Hawaii. You'll find many stories and resources including how early surfboards were made and the King and Queen believed to be the greatest surfers.
Hope you have fun with these web picks. I certainly enjoy sharing them!
Aunty Kat
Thursday, June 06, 2002
Cool Site: Volcanoes Online
Volcanoes Online should be a HOT site, eh? Whichever, this ThinkQuest project from 1998 contains everything you might want to know about volcanoes, including how the different types of volcanoes are formed and where they are located in the world. It's an exceptional site for another reason: it was developed by three students from different countries!
You can find more about
Hawaii Volcanoes specifically at Hawaii School Reports.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
Cool Site: Honolulu Zoo
The Honolulu Zoo is part of Kapiolani Park at the foot of Diamond Head on the eastern end of Waikiki. The entire park was set aside for the people by King Kalakaua and named in honor of his wife, Queen Kapiolani. In addition to the history, the zoo's Website contains a tour, discussion board (called "talk"), and many photos and enrichment activities, so set aside the time to enjoy it all.
Visiting the
Honolulu Zoo is almost as fun virtually as in person!
Monday, June 03, 2002
Cool Site: Hawaii Weather Today
Much more than just a weather report! For residents and visitors, there's weather by type of activity as well as extended forecasts and an interesting daily narrative. But you'll also find great photos,
satellite images of Hawaii and the North/East Central Pacific Ocean. Home page of
Hawaii Weather TodayAunty Kat
Cool Site: Oahu Lifeguards
The Oahu Lifeguards web site is an excellent introduction to the wonders and the dangers of the ocean waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands. You can find photos and information for the many guarded beaches on the island of Oahu. Ocean safety topics include: Dangerous Ocean Critters; Sharks of Hawaii; Beach & Ocean Hazards; Ocean Safety Signs; and Be Sun Safe & Sensible. You can also learn what lifeguards do and find out what you can do to support them. With the start of summer and vacations, there's info here that's useful beyond Oahu's shores! Site:
Oahu LifeguardsAunty Kat
Saturday, June 01, 2002
Cool Site: Five-A-Day
Many think that pineapples are native to Hawaii, but they are a fairly recent introduction. Don Francisco de Paula y Marin, Spanish advisor to King Kamehameha I, brought the first pineapples to Hawaii in 1813. It wasn't until 1901 that large-scale pineapple production for export was started by James Dole. Today Hawaiian pineapples make up only a small portion of the world's production, but the fruit is still synonomous with the islands to many folks. Dole Foods has been maintaining and growing a terrific site for kids for several years, called
Dole Five A Day. You'll find games, songs, recipes and reference information on the many fruits and vegetables recommended for a healthy diet. Among the many friends you'll find are Pinellepy Pineapple, Bobby Banana (the star!), Mia Mango, and Pono Papaya. Have Fun!
Aunty Kat
Friday, May 31, 2002
Cool Site: Dot-2-Dot-4-Fun
Today's web find doesn't have anything to do with Hawaii, and in fact comes from the United Kingdom, half way around the world from us! It's touted as "The only website on the net dedicated to those who love Dot-2-Dot!" which caught Aunty's eye right away. If you have Shockwave installed on your computer, you can selct from a large number of designs and use your mouse to connect the dots to make a picture and also color it, right online! Great use of technology and fun for kids (of all ages). Site:
Dot2Dot4FUN. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Cool Site: Canoe Plants
One of the very first web sites that Aunty Kat found when she was first introduced to the 'Net way back in 1996 is still a favorite. "Canoe Plants" are the life-sustaining plants that Polynesian voyagers carried with them in their journeys to settle the Pacific islands. On the list are familiar plants such as coconut, banana and sugar cane, as well as those less well known to people who do not live in Hawaii. This is a rich resource filled with practical, medicinal and cultural information about each plant. There is no flash, no gimmicks, and not even much color. Just a core resource for learning more about the islands, plain and simple! Site:
Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawaii.
Aunty Kat
What is Lahaina Noon?
Here's an interesting question from Aunty Kat's mailbox. Lahaina means cruel sun and is the name of a town on the island of Maui. In the tropics, and only in the tropics, the sun is directly overhead and casts no shadow on two days each year. In Hawaii, these days are usually in May and July, equidistant from the summer solstice on June 21. It doesn't only happen in Lahaina! (on Maui) but it does occur on different dates based on distance from the equator. The name was selected in a contest from the Bishop Museum, where you can find
this year's dates for Lahaina Noon.
Aunty Kat
The World's Tallest Mountain is...
Well, it depends on how you look at it! At 29,035 feet above sea level, Mount Everest is the tallest summit on earth measuring exposed area above the ground. But Mauna Kea is the tallest if measured from the sea floor to the summit, a total of 31,796 feet. Mauna Kea, which means white mountain, is located on the Island of Hawaii. It is a dormant volcano, and although it is our tallest volcano, neighboring Mauna Loa is larger in terms of area. Mauna Kea is home to the world's largest observatory, which you can visit (virtually) at the
Mauna Kea Observatories web site. This is one of the few places in the tropics where you can find snow in the winter time. It is possible to be snowboarding in the morning and surfing (without a wetsuit!) in the afternoon! You can find out the weather at the top of the world any time you wish at the
Mauna Kea Weather Center, and learn more about the cultural and spiritual significance of Mauna Kea at
Malama Mauna Kea (malama means to take care of or protect). Each of these web sites has spectacular photos as well!
Aunty Kat
This Day in History
Today's Cool Site is from the History Channel. Not only can you find out what happened on this day in past years, but you can enter any date, such as your birthday, to see what happened on that day. Link:
This Day in History.
Aunty Kat
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Today's Cool Site: Say Hello to the World
None better for the first of Aunty Kat's daily picks for Cool Sites than
Say Hello to the World from the Internet Public Library. Here you can find out how to greet people from all over the world in their language. In Hawaii, we say aloha to greet each other. The word has many meanings in addition to hello and goodbye, describing a concept of how we should treat each other. More:
The Language of Hawaii and
Aloha Spirit.
a hui hou (so long! - until next time)
Aunty Kat
Monday, May 27, 2002
Memorial Day in Honolulu
Memorial Day has special significance in Hawaii. Honolulu is the only U.S. city that has been attacked by another country. In December of 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, sinking several battleships and destroying planes on the ground. Forty years ago this week, the Arizona Memorial was opened as a remembrance for all who lost their lives on the USS Arizona. You can learn more about
WWII in Hawaii and the significance of Pearl Harbor through time in our History of Hawaii section. The
Honolulu Star-Bulletin has an article describing the
symbolism of the Arizona Memorial in today's news.
Aunty Kat
No, Your Eyes Aren't Playing Tricks on You!
The colors of the background and links on this page will change as you read. If you find the lighter colors hard to see, just wait a few seconds and it will get darker. It's the magic of rainbows! You can also adjust the size of the text using the A- to make it smaller and the A+ to make it larger. If you want all links to open in a new browser window, click the box. If you don't want additional windows, leave the box unchecked. When you visit other sites, just use your back button to return here!
Aunty Kat
Sunday, May 26, 2002
About Rainbows
Aloha and welcome to Rainbows, your bridge to the Hawaiian Islands!
Rainbows are a common occurrence in Hawaii. We often have showers while the sun is shining, called liquid sunshine, and this creates the right atmosphere. Rainbows have mythical significance in many cultures, and are sometimes called a bridge between worlds because the arch reaches up into the sky. They're generally considered a positive omen, promising sunshine after rain. Because rainbows contain all the colors (even if we can't see them), they are often used to symbolize unity in diversity... the ability of people with very different cultural backgrounds to get along well.
The Hawaiian word for rainbow is Anuenue, pronounced AH NEW EH NEW EH. The words for a mele (song) about rainbows can be found here:
Ke Anuenue. One of the Hawaiian legends about rainbows can be found on the Internet:
The Legend of Makaha; and there is even a
ghost story. Some other pages of interes are:
The Rainbow Connection;
Rainbow Woman and Man Petroglyphs; and
Halau Hula O Ke Anueneu Punahele ( a hula school) explaining the reason for their name, which means favorite rainbow.
We'll share more interesting web sites, stories and news on this page, so check back often!
Aunty Kat

Rainbows is a publication of The
'Ohana Network. © 1998-2002 OhanaNet Corporation. All rights reserved.